Arizon Lighting Comparisons

Arizon Lighting Comparisons


Lighting - 1000 Watt Metal Halide
1000 Watt
Metal Halide

Wattage Per Fixture:
1080 W

Lumens Per Watt:
58.6 lumens/watt

Lumens Per Watt:
(After 10,000 Hours)

35.1 lumens/ watt

Maintenance Costs:
(After 60,000 Hours)

$532 per fixture

Contains Mercury
*Must be disposed of by hazardous waste service company*

Arizon Standard Lighting

Lighting - T-5 Flourescent

Wattage Per Fixture:
696 W

Lumens Per Watt:
53.8 lumens/watt

Lumens Per Watt:
(After 10,000 Hours)

48.4 lumens/ watt

Maintenance Costs:
(After 60,000 Hours)

$646 per fixture

Contains Mercury
*Must be disposed of by hazardous waste service company*

LED Fixture

Lighting - LED Lighting Fixture

Wattage Per Fixture:
259 W

Lumens Per Watt:
161 lumens/watt

Lumens Per Watt:
(After 10,000 Hours)

161 lumens/ watt

Maintenance Costs:
(After 60,000 Hours)

$0 per fixture

No Mercury
*Must be disposed of by hazardous waste service company*

Cost Comparisons

Money saved per year by switching to LED’s is $29,930 from Metal Halides and $14,600 from T5 Fluorescent.

Metal Halide


Per Day
  • 1,080 W per fixture
  • 20,000 avg. lifespan

T5 Fluorescent


Per Day
  • 696 W
  • 20,000 avg. lifespan

Arizon LED Lighting Costs vs. Metal Halide and T5 Fluorescent based off 60 fixtures in New York (14.90 cents per KW). Numbers Calculated based on 8 hour daily usage.